
Go beyond subjective questionnaires and limited mental health exercises with IntelliProve's advanced Health Insights.

Health Insights encompass any information regarding the user's health measured by IntelliProve's Health Check technology, providing valuable data for a holistic assessment of both mental and physical health.

Our technology offers users an objective, interpretable view of their mental and physical health by combining biometric data analysis with contextual reasoning. This approach delivers actionable insights on overall readiness, stress levels, physical activity, and more, empowering users to make informed decisions about their well-being.

The IntelliProve Insight Algorithms have been validated through benchmarking studies with standard reference topical sensors or questionnaires. Mental healthcare is a multi-modal pursuit and this technology, using facial analysis at its core, acts as one valuable component of a comprehensive assessment. Although the results predicted by the engine show better correlations compared to the pure clinical observer rating-based questionnaires, it should not be used as the sole source of information.

The health scans are intended to be "at rest" measurements absent of exercise, excessive movement, or acute stressors at the time of the measurement. IntelliProve distinguishes four types of health insights: