General Fitness Level
The General Fitness Level refers to an individual's overall physical condition, encompassing endurance, strength and flexibility. It is a holistic measure of how well a person can perform daily activities, sustain physical effort, and maintain good health. A higher fitness level indicates greater physical capability, resilience, and cardiovascular efficiency.
Name | Unit | programmatic name |
General Fitness Level | Percentage | general_fitness_level |
The General Fitness Level is determined through a combination of physiological measurements and self-reported data. We collect objective data on heart rate, respiratory rate, and heart rate variability (HRV) combined with responses to key fitness-related questions. By combining all this information, a comprehensive assessment of the user’s fitness level is generated.
When is the first reading available? The General Fitness Level depends on a combination of several inputs that need to be available to obtain a first reading. In general, a first reading is obtained after two or three Face Scans.
The General Fitness Level is a valuable metric for both users and health professionals. It provides an overall snapshot of a person’s physical health and helps in setting realistic fitness goals or identifying areas for improvement.
- Monitor fitness progress: Tracking changes in the General Fitness Level over time can help users assess the effectiveness of their exercise routines or health interventions.
- Detect health issues: A sudden decline in fitness level could indicate underlying health concerns that need attention, such as cardiovascular or respiratory issues.
- Guide fitness programs: Based on the fitness level, tailored exercise and lifestyle recommendations can be made to improve specific aspects of health, such as endurance, strength, or flexibility.
The General Fitness Level score can be used on its own or in combination with other metrics to offer deeper insights into a person’s overall health. Comparing this score to population norms or personal baselines allows for personalised guidance and recommendations for improvement.
These kinds of analyses are also performed by IntelliProve's Insights Algorithms and available as Interpretations.
The General Fitness Level is returned as a numeric score between 0 and 100 and can be requested as a Widget or via the Rest API.
Score Range | Definition | Example Color Indicator | Example User Text |
0 – 30 | Low | Red | Your General Fitness Level is low. Consider improving your activity levels to boost health. |
30 – 70 | Average | Yellow | Your General Fitness Level is average. There’s room to improve your physical capabilities. |
70 – 90 | High | Green | Your General Fitness Level is high. You have good endurance and strength. |
90-100 | Excellent | Green | Your General Fitness Level is excellent. You are in top physical condition. |
- Lee DC, Artero EG, Sui X, Blair SN. 2010. Mortality trends in the general population: the importance of cardiorespiratory fitness. J Psychopharmacol. 24(4 Suppl):27–35.
- Kodama S, Saito K, Tanaka S, Maki M, Yachi Y, Asumi M, Sugawara A, Totsuka K, Shimano H, Ohashi Y, Yamada N, Sone H. 2009. Cardiorespiratory fitness as a quantitative predictor of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events in healthy men and women: a meta-analysis. JAMA. 301(19):2024–2035.
- Ross R, Blair SN, Arena R, Church TS, Després JP, Franklin BA, Haskell WL, Kaminsky LA, Levine BD, Myers J, Niebauer J, Sallis R, Sawada SS, Sui X, Wisloff U. 2016. Importance of assessing cardiorespiratory fitness in clinical practice: a case for fitness as a clinical vital sign: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 134(24):e653–e699.