Health Check


The Health Check is IntelliProve's streamlined, non-invasive approach to accurately measure Health Insights, including vital parameters and metrics, in just a few seconds. This approach combines advanced face-scanning technology with user-reported inputs and contextual information. By performing Health Checks, users obtain a comprehensive and holistic view of the their health, delivered seamlessly through our platform.

IntelliProve's Plug-in Solution is a plug-and-play web component that allows to easily integrate Health Checks into any app or platform.

Face scan

At the core of the Health Check is IntelliProve’s innovative Face Scan, a technology that accurately measures biomarkers from an optical scan of the face, using the device's built-in camera. The scan, also referred to as Measurement, takes approximately 20 seconds and requires minimal user effort, making it an efficient method for capturing physiological data. The Plug-in Solution includes a dedicated interface to perform a qualitative Face Scan.

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Quality check

Upon pressing the start button, the system reviews the user's positioning and lighting conditions. This quality check ensures that the setup meets our requirements for a qualitative Face Scan, including:

  • Sufficient lighting
  • Proper face-camera distance
  • Analysis of the user's motion

Guiding messages assist users in achieving the ideal position and lighting. Once the quality check passes, the measurement begins.

Note: For technical requirements related to video recording, refer to the Video Input Requirements.


Once ready, the user is prompted to remain still and face the camera as the measurement process begins. A timer displays the remaining time, while health parameters are measured in the background. To keep the user engaged, health-related questions and motivational prompts may be presented throughout the process.

The technology

IntelliProve’s Face Scan uses remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) to detect blood volume changes in the face, driven by the rhythmic pulsations of the heart. The IntelliProve Engine monitors and analyses these subtle colour shifts caused by blood flow by capturing the reflection of light from the user’s face. Advanced signal processing and machine learning algorithms then convert these minor variations into precise physiological signals, offering insights into cardiovascular activity, such as heart rate and heart rate variability. For more details on the technology, visit our Technology page.

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Updated 15 Oct 2024
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