Results API
Please note, these docs are for the v1 version of IntelliProve and have been deprecated. They are here for reference of existing customers still using the v1 product. If you are a new customer, refer to the Technical documentation -v2 .
This is the API documentation for the IntelliProve results API, which allows you to request results for past health checks based on the health check UUID.
If you are new to this developer portal, we recommend first reading the Plug-in: overview, a five-minute read which will get you acquainted with how our plug-in works and how it can be integrated into your platform. To integrate the plug-in into your platform, follow our Plug-in documentation.
As a customer, you will receive information about the environment (API base URL) to use for development and production.
All the endpoints described below require an API key or a bearer token in the header for authentication purposes.
We provide the results in two different formats: simple 'results' and 'buckets'.
The simple results of a health check contain the values for each biomarker, without further context. The buckets contain more context, such as the optimum, max and minimum for each biomarker.
The meaning of the 'results' and 'bucket' objects is further explained in the Message events. More information about the actual biomarkers we measure can be found on the following page: Insights & biomarkers
Use the below endpoint to request the results of a previously performed health check. Note that we recommend listening to events, as described in Plug-in: events, in case you want to obtain the results right after the user completes the measurement.
Whereas the above endpoint returns immediately if no results are available (yet), some use cases might require the use of long polling to wait while your video is still processing.
If the measurement was successfully processed, you will receive the biomarkers in json format, as shown in the example responses above with the HTTP 200 status code.
However, in case the video did not meet the Video input requirements, an error code will be returned to the body of the response. Refer to the example response above with HTTP 422 status.
The error code refers to why the video could not be processed. Examples of input requirements not being met, include too little light, excessive movement of the subject during the video, or a framerate that is too low.
A list of all possible error codes, their explanation and suggested messages towards the user can be found in the table below (click open with the arrow).
In some cases, the video quality or lighting conditions might be insufficient to calculate certain parameters which rely on very subtle fluctuations, such as SDNN, but sufficient for other parameters like HR and RR. In these cases, the response will contain a None for the parameters for which quality was insufficient
The buckets corresponding to a health check can be requested using the below endpoint.
The below endpoint allows you to fetch the summary and tips corresponding to each bucket.
Use this endpoint to obtain results related to a patient (user) and/or performer.
If required, you can update the metadata for a measurement after completing processing.