Default flow
This guide will show you how to integrate the default, most straightforward flow of the IntelliProve health check. This means that the default results page of the plug-in is shown right after the measurement completes.
We will refer to the following documentation in this guide:
The steps to accomplish this are described below, accompanied by a figure displaying the steps.
1. Display your app's welcome screen.
2. Request the plug-in URL (see Request plug-in URL) and embed it in your app where desired (see Embed plug-in).
3. The user can perform the health check in the plug-in. When the results are available, the plug-in automatically transitions to its built-in results screen.
4. Optional: if you want to establish communication between your own app and the plug-in, refer to the Listening to message events page. This may be useful to track the user's progress within the plug-in or to obtain the results in JSON format for further analysis and linking actions.