Fetch and visualise insights
IntelliProve offers multiple options for designing user experiences focused on health monitoring and visualising insights, making it easy for users to comprehend and interact with their health data. Head to our product documentation to learn more.
This guide will show you how to design a user flow and display the results according to your use case, using our Rest API or Widgets.
Make sure to go through the first four steps of the Getting Started to understand how to register users and set up an initial integration of the plug-in in your website or app.
When a user performs a Face Scan, you can fetch the associated Biomarkers using the API and the unique Face Scan ID.
Metrics, which are long-term assessments based on multiple Face Scans, are available in the user's Health Profile. To retrieve these metrics, you'll need the unique User ID.
When a user completes a Face Scan, your platform should respond appropriately. For example, you could transition to a new page displaying the scan results or a health dashboard.
To determine when to proceed, listen for message events sent by the plug-in. For instance, the faceScanSuccessful message signals that the Face Scan was completed successfully and includes the Face Scan ID.
Refer to our Message Events Documentation for more details about these events.
It's important to note that you might also receive a UserFinished event if the user ends the Face Scan without successfully completing it, for example, due to unfavorable conditions. We recommend accounting for this in your page design, such as by adapting the content accordingly.
To fetch Biomarkers, which are related to a specific Face Scan, you'll need the unique Face Scan ID, obtained when the Face Scan was completed.
Widgets The Biomarker widget displays the value of a specific biomarker from a user's Face Scan.
To fetch the user's health Metrics, you'll need to specify the user. This can be done using your own external_user_id , or the user_id obtained from IntelliProve when registering the user.
The 'User Health Profiles'-endpoints allow you to fetch the Metrics per Health Profile, as well as a feedback and tip message for every Health Profile.
The Metric widget can be used to display the value of a specific Metric from the user's Health Profile.