Insights & biomarkers

Morning Readiness Score

IntelliProve uses key biomarker metrics to quantify your users' ability to face greater challenges or the need for recovery and rest during that day. The Morning Readiness Score helps users to recover in a more efficient way based on their body’s cumulative stress load and recovery status.

The morning readiness can be used to grow your active users by offering a daily powerful mental check-in within your platform.

How is it calculated?

The morning readiness score uses key heart rate and heart rate variability (HRV) metrics to learn user's personal patterns and quantify how the body is adapting to things like exercise, stress, nutrition, work, and more.

This score indicates the state of relative balance. In other words, if individual's past data is available, it is comparing the HRV values to the recent past and telling whether the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is in a similar state or if it is swinging widely outside of the norm.

How can it be used?

This metric gives users valuable insights into their emotional well-being in the morning. It helps them understand when they are ready for peak performance or when they need to focus on rest and recovery. It can also be used to measure sleep quality, providing a comprehensive understanding of their overall well-being.

The morning readiness feature is commonly used to assess sleep quality, aiding users in improving their sleep patterns and measuring the effectiveness of sleep therapy. By tracking progress and analyzing therapy impact, both the duration and quality of the therapy can be optimized. A lower score is the ideal starting point to guide the user towards sleep improving audio-visual content (blog posts, articles, videos, exercises,...) or therapy.

Document image


Morning Readiness Score is returned as an integer on a scale of 0 - 10 as a part of the response JSON, with the key morning_readiness_score.


(score /10)


Example Color Indicator

Example User Text


Outside mornings hours


Measurement was not performed during morning hours (e.g. between 6:00 and 12:00).

1 – 4



Prioritize recovery-promoting activities today. Avoid pushing your physical or mental limits if possible. Focus on hydration, supportive nutrition and a solid night’s sleep.

5 – 6



Consider reducing stressful activities today. If you decide to push harder, then stay extra aware of recovery needs for the next few days.

7 – 8



Your readiness score is good and your HRV balance indicates that you have recovered quite well. Plan for some moderate physical exercises or mental activities, but don’t overdo it.

9 – 10



Your HRV balance indicates that you have recovered well. You should be able to handle more stress and activity today! If there are any challenging tasks on your to-do list, today could be the day to tackle them!