Use cases

Default flow


This guide will show you how to integrate the default, most straightforward flow of the IntelliProve health check. This means that the default results page of the plug-in is shown right after the measurement completes.

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We will refer to the following documentation in this guide:


The steps to accomplish this are described below, accompanied by a figure displaying the steps.

Document image

1. Display your app's welcome screen.

2. Request the plug-in URL (see Request plug-in URL) and embed it in your app where desired (see Embed plug-in).

3. The user can perform the health check in the plug-in. When the results are available, the plug-in automatically transitions to its built-in results screen.

4. Optional: if you want to establish communication between your own app and the plug-in, refer to the Listening to message events page. This may be useful to track the user's progress within the plug-in or to obtain the results in JSON format for further analysis and linking actions.