
Use cases

The IntelliProve plug-in is designed to support a variety of different use cases.

  1. Default flow - The most simple use case involves using the plug-in's standard flow, which guides the user through the recording and presents the results automatically via the built-in results screen. Optionally, you may want to establish communication between your own app and the plug-in. This may be useful to track the user's progress within the plug-in, or to obtain the results in JSON format for further analysis and linking actions. This is all described in this use case.
  2. Custom questions screen before results - Does your use case require you to ask additional questions or display content before the results are shown? This use case will guide you on how to seamlessly integrate such additional content into your user flow.
  3. Custom results screen - Does your use case require a more custom results screen that you design yourself? This use case will show you how to implement this flow.